Auto taxi fares will increase in Mumbai from February 1. Know all the details related to the fare hike and what changes will happen for Mumbaikars.
A new problem is arising for the passengers using auto and taxi in Mumbai. Auto and taxi fares are going to increase in Mumbai from February 1, 2025. After this change, passengers will have to spend more money for their journey. Mumbai Metropolitan Region Transport Authority (MMRTA) has approved this fare hike, and it is going to have a big impact on the pockets of common people. Know about all the important aspects related to this fare hike.
Auto taxi fares will increase in Mumbai from February 1 : what is the reason
There has been a demand for increase in taxi and auto rickshaw fares in Mumbai for the last few years. Now MMRTA has approved the increase in fares from February 1. This increase will be applicable after meter calibration, which will increase the cost of travel. This step is related to the traffic system and expansion of metro network in Mumbai.
Provision of new auto stands The transport department has planned to build seven new auto stands outside five Metro stations to improve last-mile connectivity for the first phase of the Metro 3 line. The scheme will facilitate commuters in reaching the metro station, and is also expected to lead to a better traffic network.
Increase in the number of auto-taxi stands in Mumbai The MMRTA has said that it will increase the number of auto-taxi stands in the eastern and western suburbs of Mumbai as well as Thane, More than 30 regular and shared auto-taxi stands will be started in areas like Kalyan and Vasai. These steps are being taken keeping in mind the improvement of traffic and the convenience of passengers.
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What will be the new fare from February 1?
Now passengers will have to pay Rs 26 instead of Rs 23 for auto rickshaw fare from February 1, 2025. At the same time, the taxi fare will be Rs 31 instead of Rs 28. Apart from this, the fare of Blue-Silver AC Cool Cab will increase from Rs 40 to Rs 48. All these increased fares will be applicable for travel up to 1.5 kilometres.

Impact of fare hike on common man: This change will have a direct impact on the pockets of common people. People who use auto or taxi daily will now have to spend extra on their travel. This increase in small travel expenses can have a significant impact, especially for people on limited incomes.
What should be done for Mumbaikars?
Mumbaikars should now plan in advance as auto and taxi travel expenses may increase. Many people who travel daily may need to rethink their way of traveling. Apart from this, using other public transport options can also be a good option.
Hope for improvement in traffic While on one hand the fare hike may cause some inconvenience to passengers, On the other hand, the corrective measures taken by MMRTA are expected to improve the traffic system in the future. New auto stands and extension of Metro 3 line can further improve Mumbai’s traffic.
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Auto and taxi fares are increasing in Mumbai from February 1, due to which Mumbaikars have a few more days left for fun and enjoyment. However, this will cause additional expenses for the commuters, but it is expected that with future traffic improvements this change will prove to be convenient.

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